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January Homework Diary

Tuesday 31st January
WALT: Change units to tenths and tenths to units.


Maths - Using the questions you have been given, work in your Maths Homework Books and figure out how change from units to tenths and tenths to units. Think, 'When will I need a decimal point, and, when will I not need a decimal point.'

Spellings - Tonight is 'Wordsort' night. See your spelling booklet.

Reading - Check which chapter or story you need to read from the list below. Read carefully to prepare for a written activity on Thursday.

'Spud' - Read Chapter 5 - Masie

'Charlotte's Web' - Read Chapter 5 - Charlotte

'Tales From Hans Andersen' - Read, The Steadfast Tin Soldier.

'Treasury of Stories from Around the World' - Read, The Giant's Daughter.

And a question! Is the sun, a solid, a liquid, or a gas?

Monday 30th January
WALT: Read and write tenths as decimal fractions


Complete the different activites you have been given:

Colour the correct number of tenths on the diagrams
Change the common fractions to decimal fractions
Write the decimal fraction on the correct place on the number line

Spellings - Highlight the different ways of writing the 'i' sound in the story

Thursday 26th January
WALT: Write a Character Study.


Tonight's homework is a reading activity using your independent novel. Think about the characters in your book, or story. Who are the main ones? What do they do? How would you describe them? Use the 'cloud' spaces on your activity page to write their name and some interesting facts about them.


Remember to revise all the ways to spell the 'l' sound, you will have a spelling test tomorrow.

And finish reading your novel if you have not already done so.

Wednesday 25th January
WALT: Read, shade and understand Fractions and Mixed Numbers


Use the fraction pages to read and shade the fractions shown. If it is a 'mixed number', make sure to write the whole number and the fraction.

Continue to learn how to write the 'l' spelling sound.

Remember to finish your Independent Reading Novel by Friday .

And, you can use this BBC link to practise some fraction activities.

Tuesday 24th January
WALT: Read, understand and use timetables.

WALT: Read and write digital times.


This is the last homework on the topic of time. Think about everything you have learned to help you answer the questions. If there is anything you are not sure about ask in school tomorrow. :-)

Activity 1 - 'Primary School Bus Service Timetable'. Read the timetable carefully and answer the questions in your Maths homework book.

Activity 2 - 'Writing Digital Time'. Remember that when we write digital time we have to think about how many minutes are past the hour. Read the time on the clocks and write the digital time.

BONUS ACTIVITY - Check out the Maths section on our 'Kid's Zone' for a 'Time' game to help you revise your learning.

Spellings - See 'Tuesday' on your wordsort page for details of tonight's activity.


Monday 23rd January
WALT: Read, understand and use idioms.


Are you completing Activity 1, or Activity 2...

Activity (1) Find the idioms in the 'Over the Moon' story and write what they mean. Then try to rewrite the story in 'plain English'.

Activity (2) Match the Idiom. Match the idioms with their meaning and write a sentence for each.

Spellings - Highlight the new sound in the story: 'l'

Remember, you novel for independent reading should be finished by Friday 27th January (this week!)


Collect some junk mail for Art on Wednesday. As part of our Eco Schools Project we will be designing an art picture or object using junk mail.

You can choose from one of the following themes:

Reduce Reuse Recycle

Cut Paper Not Trees

Reduce Paper Waste.

Thursday 19th January
Tonight is a learning night.

Make sure to spend time learning how to spell the 's' sound.

You could use some of the ideas in your spelling booklet, perhaps you will make some 'spelling doodles' or highlight the sound in a word or design a calligram.

Also check to make sure you have finished the 's' wordsort, and the 's' wordsearch.

And keep reading!

Wednesday 18th January
WALT: Use different types of evidence to find out about Newry in the past.

In school we have been discussing special reports writen about Newry called, 'Ordnance Survey Memoirs'. We have found out about the town of Newry, the buildings in Newry, transport in Newry and the churches in Newry. These reports tell us something about Newry in the 1800's.

Tonight you have to use some of these reports to make a fact file, or poster about Newry in the past; you don't have to read them all. You might even design your work like a tourist poster to encourage people to visit Newry.

Also check your Spelling Booklet to find out what to learn next, and keep reading!

Tuesday 17th January
WALT: Spell words using the 's' sound.


Tonight's homework is all about spelling. Do you know the different ways to spell the 's' sound?

Complete the 'Wordsort' in your spelling booklet and write 8 interesting sentences using the words from your spelling list. Every sentence should include an adjective.

Remember to keep reading from your novel and learn to spell the words on the first three lists in your 'Wordsort'.

You might also like to try this 'Look, Cover, Write and Check' game to help you learn your spellings. You can add your own words into the programme!

Monday 16th January
WALT: Find out 'how long' in our time work.


Use the questions given to find out how long an activity takes. Write your answers in your Maths Homework Books.

Spellings - Tonight highlight the 's' sounds in the story you have. Also complete the 's' sound wordsearch.

Keep reading from your novel.

Thursday 12th January
Tonight is a learning and reading homework night.

Think about some of the things you have been learning in school this week: 


How to tell the time using the 12 hour clock.
How to tell the time using the 24 hour clock.
How to read a digital time.
How to tell the time using the words 'past' and 'to'.


How to spell the 'u' sound.

My cousin and brother love the sun.


Tonight, learn to spell all of the words in your 'wordsort', and use some of the ideas on the 'Memorising Spellings' page to help you.

Also use the 12 and 24 hour clock page to help you learn how to change from one way of writing the time to another.

And don't forget to keep reading from your new novel.

Wednesday 11th January
We Are Learning to tell the time using the 12 and 24 hour clock


Read the time on the clock face and write the digital time below using the 24 hour clock. Remember to think about 'am' and 'pm'.

Read the time on the clock and write the time below using the words 'past' or 'to'.


If you have time you could try solving the 'Two Clocks' problem. You have part one of the problem but you can also read part two using this link: 'Two Clocks Problem'.

Don't forget to keep learning the words on your spelling list.

Tuesday 10th January
We Are Learning to choose the best adverbs for a sentence.



Read the beginning of the sentences you have been given, and all of the possible adverbs which might come next. Think carefully. Which is the best one? Cross out all the unsuitable adverbs to help you make a good choice.

Now write the best sentence into you homework book.

We Are Learning to write interesting sentences.


Finish the Sentence

Read the beginning of the sentences you have been given and think of an interesting way to finish. Write your sentence into your homework books.


Make sure to complete your 'Spelling Wordsort' and begin to learn the new words.

Also remember to begin reading from your new novel.

Monday 9th January
We Are Learning to read and spell the sound 'u' - My cousin and brother love the sun.

We Are Learning to read and write the time using an analogue clock.


Highlight the words in your story which use the 'u' sound.

Unscramble the mixed up words and highlight the 'u' sound.

Complete the 'Time Sheets' by writing the time under each clock.

Thursday 5th January
We Are Learning To: Estimate time.


Can you estimate one minute?

Think about something that you can do easily in one minute.

Practise doing this at home tonight and try to get as close as possible to 1 minute.

Tomorrow in school you will try again and be timed to see how long it takes.

How close to 1 minute will you be?

Some ideas could be - writing your name to figure out how many times you can do this in one minute, bouncing a ball for one minute, packing and unpacking your schoolbag.
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