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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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This week is a revision week for everyone.


Tigers- Parents choose 30 words from your child's spellings from Easter for your child to learn this week. Test them on Friday with the 30 words. On Friday your child will pick 5 of these words and write a sentence of their own for each of the 5 words that they have chosen.


Meerkats- Parents choose 25 words from your child's spellings from Easter for your child to learn this week. Test them on Friday with the 25 words. On Friday your child will pick 4 of these words and write a sentence of their own for each of the 4 words that they have chosen.


Badgers- Parents choose 20 words from your child's spellings from Easter for your child to learn this week. Test them on Friday with the 20 words. On Friday your child will pick 3 of these words and write a sentence of their own for each of the 3 words that they have chosen.


Green Table- Revise all initial sounds and High Frequency words in folders. 

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