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Welcome to the new school year at Windsor Hill PS. We look forward to lots of fun and new learning.
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Sunflower Challenge 2021

Windsor Hill’s Key Stage Two classes have been asked to participate in a Sunflower 🌻🌻🌻 growing competition over the summer. Debra Black from South Ulster Housing popped into school to deliver the sunflower planting packs and she will be back in September to see the results. Every pupil that has a pack needs to take care of them over the summer and send their new teacher a photo of their giant sunflower along with the height measurement. We look forward to seeing your growing results when we return to school in September. 
Have fun and remember to keep watering and supporting your sunflower 🌻🌻🌻🌻 as it grows.

Sunflower 🌻 Delivery and planting

CEOP link