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Best wishes for a lovely summer holiday - school returns on Thursday 29th August 9:00 - 12:00pm
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Monday 27th April 2020

Hello P6!

Just a quick update as we begin another week...


Photo gallery - Check out our new class photo gallery! Everyone is having so much fun! Send your photos to I wish I knew sooner that we have so many incredible bakers in the class, I would have been placing my orders since September! laugh


Special message - Have you seen the special message from all the staff at Windsor Hill? Click here to go straight to it! mail


Active Learn - Bug Club reading books and Active Maths games have been updated on the Active Learn website. Check them out! Remember, your book review should be written about a Bug Club reading book! 


P.E - I hope you're all having fun with Joe Wicks or getting some other form of daily exercise. Who has kept up Daily Mile? Laps of your garden count! wink


Art - Please send your Chocolate Art by email before Friday!


Just for fun - We're all loving rainbows and what they stand for right now! If anyone tries this little science experiment, I would love to see how it turns out!




Have a great week!

Speak soon,

Miss Nesbitt




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