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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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Hello everyone J 


I hope you enjoyed making and baking last week for our ‘Measure’ topics! Thank you to everyone who has sent pictures of your hard work and/or photographs of all the fun you are having at home. Please feel free to send more and I will upload these to our 'Wow Wall' link. 



Literacy- Please read the ‘Literacy overview’ found in the ‘Literacy link’ for this week. Complete the spellings and sound work related to the ‘dd’ sound as well as plural and topic writing.(Please note that the spellings are normally differentiated much more so if you are finding it tough, reduce the number of spellings for each day) Also, continue to read on the My On site. Let’s try to beat our class total from last week (I have been very impressed by how many books some people have read!) J


Numeracy- The ‘Numeracy overview’ will outline the learning outcomes for the week. There are links to assist with teaching as well as new games assigned on Active Learn.


WAU- we are beginning our final topic ‘The Seaside’. I’m sure you would all love to be at the seaside at the moment but share some of your favourite memories of being at the seaside with your family and what you know already. The first lesson is outlined in the WAU link.


ABL- In our class we always loved ABL time. ABL is ‘Activity Based Learning’ and there are a number of fun activities added to the ABL link related to our Seaside topic.



Happy learning!!!


L. Chapman

CEOP link