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Best wishes for a lovely summer holiday - school returns on Thursday 29th August 9:00 - 12:00pm
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April 2020 - Home Learning - Information and Work Activities - Newcomer Pupils

Language and Literacy


  • Handwriting - Continue to write letters properly.
  • Writing sentences - tell someone in your family what you want to write and they will write this for you to copy.


  • Activities:
    • Write s,a,t,p,i,n letters.
    • Writing - write a sentence about your favourite animal. (*Remember to use finger spaces between each word.)
    • Draw a picture of your favourite animal.
    • Practise writing your name.



  • Revision - naming and sounding out s,a,t,p,i,n sounds.


  • Activities:
    • Use sound cards in orange folders to recognise s,a,t,p,i,n letters / sounds - practise daily.
    • Look for items around your home beginning with s,a,t,p,i,n sounds.
    • Worksheets to complete.


Talking and Listening:

  • Children talk about their experiences e.g Easter holidays / playtime etc 
  • Repeat some songs and rhymes learned at school.




  • Continue learning all the words in your homework folder. Make sentences using these and read.

                      Mathematics and Numeracy:


Continue with work in your "New Heinemann Mathematics - Numbers To 10" workbook and also in your classwork books.


Numbers / Mental Maths:

  • Count 1-10.
  • Write numbers 1-5.
  • Recognise numbers 1-5.
  • Record numbers 1-5.
  • Repeat number rhymes learned in school. (numbers 1-5)


Measures / Time:

  • Name days of the week.
  • Sequence events - what happened after / before (worksheet).
  • Sort day and night pictures - (activity in classwork book to complete).
  • Revision - identify numerals on the clock face 1-5.
  • Read o'clock times. (1-5 o'clock) - (activity in classwork book to complete).


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