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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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Activities for VE Day - Tuesday 5th May

VE Day Activities Overview


Listen to Carrie's War and Watch BBC Video Clips on World War 2


Carrie and her younger brother Nick are evacuated to Wales to spend the war years with Mr Evans and his sister 'Auntie' Lou. Carrie and Nick spend much of their time at Druid's Bottom - a mysterious house where Hepzibah, the housekeeper, tells them strange stories. Carrie and Nick settle into their new lives, and then...


Find the story on the link below.

WW2 Comprehension Anne Frank

VE Day Comprehension

CEOP link