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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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Monday 28th June 2020 - A Special Goodbye Message

blush Well done - you've made it to the summer holidays blush


Hello everyone,


This is our last 2 days before we finish school for a little break.  I've recorded a little video message for you this week and put together some photos of our time in P4 this year - enjoy watching blush  


A few other things for you -

1. I've attached some summer activities below that you might want to use to keep you busy.  

2. There are some revision packs uploaded onto the website to help you prepare for going into P5.  Take some time over the summer to have a look at these.  Click on the link below to find them.

3. To help you keep up with your reading over the summer, NI Libraries have set a Summer Reading Challenge where you can join 'The Silly Squad' and read together.  Check out the link below for more details on this.


Finally, a big thank you (and all the mums and dads blush) for all your hard work over the last few months whilst learning from home.  You have been absolute stars!!!


Have a well earned rest and fun-filled summer break,


Miss McKeown heart  



Goodbye from Miss McKeown.MP4

Still image for this video


Still image for this video

Summer Activities 

CEOP link