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Parent Teacher Meetings THis week with all pupils leaving at 1:45pm. Please remember all pupils are in school as normal on Monday 10th February and then off for half term, returning on MOnday 17th February.
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Monday 1st June 2020

Hello P4 blushblushblush

I hope you are all getting out and enjoying this beautiful weather - I know I certainly am!  We are now beginning the last month of school before our summer holidays and what would have been our last month in P4!  I feel a little bit sad that we can't all be together in the classroom but I am thinking of you all and hope to see everyone soon heart  I've uploaded all of your work for this week in the 'Home Learning Packs' section of our class page.  Just do as much as you can manage and don't worry if you don't get everything completed.  A few little notes for you for this week:

1.  Last week you all read for a total of 8 hours and 54 mins - that's 42 minutes more than last week - great work!  Let's see if we can beat that this week.

2. This Saturday, 6th June, it is Butterfly Education and Awareness Day 2020.  This links nicely with our Minibeasts topic.  Check out the link below for more information.  

3. On a similar note, one of our class members - Harry P - has been checking out some very cool things which are happening at Chester Zoo.  If you click on the links below you will find some videos of their Virtual Zoo - via their website and Youtube page. Just this week on their Facebook page they were releasing some butterflies back into the wild to allow them to repopulate! 

4. For all you avid Harry Potter fans (and I know we have a few in our class) JK Rowling has been releasing her new book 'The Ickabog' online.  You can read the chapters that she has released so far if you click on the link below.  There is also a very exciting competition for any budding illustrators to win the chance to design the pictures for her new book.  Check this out and get entering!

I hope you and your family are all keeping safe and well, and as usual get in touch with me with some pictures of what you are getting up to whilst at home.  

Speak soon,

Miss McKeown heart

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