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Summer term - April - June 2024
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Playground Markings


We are pleased to introduce our new playground markings which have been added during the past week. Yes, it did mean having to suffer a missed outside playtime, but we're sure you will agree that it was worth it. And the first reaction from the children when they went to play at dinner time today - "These are awesome!" 


And they are.


As well as these new play markings, our playgrounds now include new basketball nets; picnic tables and benches; a 'Buddy Bench'; a play house and sand pit; outdoor games and road markings for cycling proficiency. All in all, and together with the school MUGA pitch which is used everyday during school and after school, our playtimes are very well resourced.


Visit the 'Gallery' section of our website to view the photographs. Follow - 'Children' - 'Gallery' - and you will find them there. 


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